Other Research

FITZ Partners Ltd is a London-based fund research company specialising in the detailed calculations of fund fees and expenses and delivering Pan-European fund fee benchmarks.

Fund Fee and Expenses Dashboard 2024

The European & UK, Fund Fees & Expenses Dashboard is a snapshot report that showcases our research findings related to the fees and expenses of funds in Europe and the UK. Designed to provide a detailed overview of the key trends and insights that we have gathered throughout the year. The dashboard highlights some of our interesting and noteworthy points, making it a valuable resource for anyone who wishes to stay up to date on the latest developments in the fund industry. It also serves as a useful tool for fund managers and investors who are seeking to make informed decisions based on accurate data and insights.

Twin Performance Fees

A detailed study of the performance related fees offered in dual ‘Twin’ share classes across Europe. This study is an extensive review of performance fee and non-performance fee shares classes. The review encompasses the differences in Twin share classes management fee rates and total costs. The research delivers a full breakdown of its findings by share class types, asset classes and domiciles.

Past papers – Economies of Scale

A quantitative review of economies of scale and their impact on fund fees in Europe and the UK.

Providing an in-depth investigation of Economies of Scale in Asset Management, the current ways in which they are being passed on, and the viability of new and more innovative methods to pass on Economies of Scale.

Past papers – Assessment of Value

Remarks & UK Market Overview- Providing a detailed summary of the quantitative elements of Assessments of Value, as well as providing an overview of the UK Market. This report was published in 2019.


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